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In an Avalanche of Ice, Texas Sets Sno Cone Record
It's official: The old record for the World's Largest Sno Cone has been obliterated by a blizzard of ice shavings in Lubbock, Texas. |
Donna D'Errico's TSA Meltdown Goes Viral [Video] |
The Week in Weird (Naked Protesters Edition) |
Identity Thief Wanted Bigger Breasts |
Latest Jesus Sighting: Outside a Pub in Australia |
12 of the World's Ugliest Statues
On 11/16/2010
under Cool Places
Sure, there is no accounting for taste, and what might look like a great lawn ornament for one neighbor could strike another as an oddly shaped satellite dish. But there are things we can probably all agree do not merit permanent display in public space, or to be paid for with public funds.
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