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Category | Title | Rating | Views | Comts. | Added |
 News |
33 year old man seeks puberty.
He's never had a spot. He's never had an erection. And he's trapped in the body of a 12-year-old boy. Just like that Tom Hanks movie.
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8430 |
0 |
12/7/2005 10:54 |
News |
75-year-old Amish lost $67,000 dollars in a sex scam.
That's just mean.
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8251 |
2 |
12/15/2005 10:58 |
 Pictures |
Nice Barbershop.
Need to shave?
     17 votes |
8037 |
5 |
12/12/2005 07:39 |
 Pictures |
New Security System for Cars.
Next step will be to take the wheel with you.
     60 votes |
7992 |
10 |
12/8/2005 10:21 |
Articles |
50 Reasons to reject The Matrix.
Hey, it was fun anyway!
     9 votes |
7992 |
12 |
12/13/2005 09:58 |
Games |
Mega Man.
The orginal game brought back for online play.
     2 votes |
7900 |
3 |
12/15/2005 11:04 |
Auctions |
Buy this Nerd's pictures.
Damn! he's horrible.
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7518 |
0 |
12/14/2005 11:31 |
Pictures |
Bicycle for couples.
Can't make up my mind.
     40 votes |
7412 |
11 |
12/13/2005 09:53 |
 News |
Church group launches nude calendar.
A German church group has caused controversy by releasing a calendar using nude models to portray bible scenes.That's one hot church.
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7365 |
3 |
12/6/2005 05:31 |
 Illusions |
Scintillating Grid.
If you look around in the neighbouring figure you will notice the appearance and disappearance of black dots at the crossings.
     65 votes |
6942 |
4 |
12/6/2005 05:14 |
News |
The self-healing elevators become a reality in Japan.
Because earthquakes suck.
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6596 |
3 |
12/20/2005 10:41 |
 Pictures |
Santa has got surprises.
Christmas came a little too damn early for this guy.
     54 votes |
6521 |
8 |
12/11/2005 09:18 |
Auctions |
Buy a Mechanical Ass Chewer.
For your boss.. or not.
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6363 |
0 |
12/15/2005 11:06 |
 Pictures |
This dog will aswer anything, just email him!.
He's got a laptop.
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6324 |
2 |
12/12/2005 07:56 |
News |
Marc Antony’s laptop being held for $1 million ransom.
Hey that's just mean.
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6175 |
3 |
12/20/2005 11:41 |
 Games |
D-Day in Normandy.
You are being landed on the beaches of Normandy and it's your job to protect your division. Don't let us down!
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6078 |
0 |
12/8/2005 10:35 |
Articles |
Face the fury of Dick Cheney.
By Myles, our new contributor.
     9 votes |
5693 |
13 |
2/17/2006 12:06 |
Articles |
World's first eBay item ever sold.
The first item ever sold on eBay was his broken laser pointer for $14.00.
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5512 |
1 |
12/13/2005 09:50 |
 News |
Erotic furniture fad.
Erotic furniture based on the female body with boobs for doors and bums for drawers is the latest fad in Holland. Breakfast is now fun.
     1 votes |
4977 |
3 |
12/6/2005 05:36 |
News |
Baby left in car while mom at strip club.
A mother who allegedly left her infant boy in an unheated car while she and a friend went into a local strip club was jailed early today on a preliminary charge of felony neglect, police said.
     3 votes |
4802 |
7 |
12/15/2005 10:51 |
News |
Superman's bulge worries movie bosses.
Hollywood executives have ordered the makers of Superman Returns to cover it up with digital effects. Executives are just jealous.
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4673 |
4 |
12/12/2005 04:27 |
 Pictures |
Your next Christmas tree.
Bad year, ha?
     6 votes |
4412 |
3 |
12/9/2005 04:17 |
Articles |
The World's first banner ad.
Blame them.
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4291 |
0 |
12/7/2005 11:13 |
News |
A One Pixel Camera.
To capture individual colors... and really small people.
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4103 |
0 |
12/7/2005 11:06 |
Auctions |
Big Blue Note That Was Left Behind.
After all these years of marriage imagine my surprise when I came home to an empty house and a hand written note on light blue paper. Now, I read and reread that note and I still couldn't believe what I kept reading. I told myself that she was just letting off steam and would return home...
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4014 |
0 |
12/5/2005 05:58 |
 News |
Mr and Mrs become Mrs and Mrs.
A husband and wife have 'remarried' as a gay couple - 14 years after the groom had a sex swap operation. Poor grandsons.
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3985 |
7 |
12/8/2005 10:26 |
Games |
Your weight on other planets.
No need for a diet, just go to another planet!
     1 votes |
3950 |
1 |
12/12/2005 07:48 |
Games |
Pub Fight.
Arcade fight game. Fight scum, serve drinks.
     8 votes |
3903 |
1 |
12/6/2005 10:38 |
Auctions |
Buy a Cheezy DICKS Collection.
So useful.
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3655 |
0 |
12/15/2005 10:52 |
News |
Woman spent to male prison after being mistaken for a man.
And, when she was finally discovered and transferred to a women's jail, she asked to be transferred back. Looks like she was having too much fun!
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3464 |
0 |
12/7/2005 10:49 |