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Category | Title | Rating | Views | Comts. | Added |
Articles |
10 Craziest PC Cases.
From a Toilet PC to one inspired on "24"
     19 votes |
0 |
7 |
5/18/2007 00:00 |
 Articles |
10 Weirdest Diseases.
Blue Skin Disorder, Werewolf Syndrome and more
     4 votes |
10375 |
3 |
5/14/2007 00:00 |
Articles |
60 Dumbest Celebrity Quotes.
"So, where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?"
     177 votes |
0 |
93 |
5/4/2007 00:00 |
Articles |
World's Craziest Body Paintings.
     343 votes |
0 |
6 |
4/4/2007 00:00 |
Articles |
Strange Houses Around The World.
Some really odd houses here
     1419 votes |
0 |
77 |
2/12/2007 00:00 |
Articles |
Early jobs of Famous people.
Rod Stewart was a grave digger, Brad Pitt moved refrigerators.
     27 votes |
0 |
6 |
2/6/2007 00:00 |
Articles |
10 Most spectacular 2008 cars.
Including the 2008 Lamborghini Murcielago
     108 votes |
0 |
20 |
1/31/2007 00:00 |
Articles |
Famous quotes on Sex.
Sex alleviates tension. Love causes it.
     388 votes |
0 |
28 |
1/26/2007 00:00 |
Pictures |
Python Eats Pregnant Sheep.
     115 votes |
0 |
11 |
1/7/2007 00:00 |
Articles |
Funny and Famous Epitaphs.
Here lies my wife, Here lies she; Hallelujah!
     20 votes |
0 |
7 |
12/28/2006 00:00 |
Articles |
America's Craziest Laws.
In Arizona, a man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.
     31 votes |
0 |
14 |
12/22/2006 00:00 |
Pictures |
New Mozilla Firefox logo.
A proposal
     757 votes |
0 |
12 |
12/15/2006 00:00 |
Articles |
90 Weirdest Phobias.
What's your favorite phobia?
     30 votes |
0 |
22 |
12/11/2006 00:00 |
Articles |
30 Craziest Lawsuits.
$500 million to the man who got stuck while robbing a house
     199 votes |
0 |
62 |
12/7/2006 00:00 |
Articles |
5 Toughest Questions a Woman Can Ask a Man.
Do I look fat?
     63 votes |
0 |
9 |
11/21/2006 00:00 |
Articles |
20 Craziest Scientific researches.
"The Effect of Country Music on Suicide"
     61 votes |
0 |
6 |
11/10/2006 00:00 |
Articles |
The story behind 10 famous entertainment websites.
Including Maddox, Fark and Digg.
     38 votes |
0 |
13 |
10/5/2006 00:00 |
Articles |
Famous Last Words.
"Get these fucking nuns away from me" (N. Douglas)
     441 votes |
95600 |
330 |
9/28/2006 00:00 |
 Articles |
30 Funniest Jerry Seinfeld Quotes.
I was the best man at the wedding. If I'm the best man, why is she marrying him?
     664 votes |
77603 |
35 |
9/20/2006 00:00 |
Articles |
30 Nastiest Accidents.
     114 votes |
55088 |
24 |
9/15/2006 00:00 |
 Articles |
50 funniest Homer Simpson Quotes.
Operator! Give me the number for 911!
     1246 votes |
38621 |
114 |
9/13/2006 00:00 |
 Articles |
You Know You're Getting Older When....
When the little old gray haired lady you help across the street... is your wife
     37 votes |
3327 |
4 |
9/12/2006 00:00 |
Articles |
50 Dumbest Street Signs.
You wouldn't want to find one of these...
     733 votes |
181814 |
63 |
9/5/2006 00:00 |
 Articles |
10 Greatest Robberies of all time.
In Brazil, robbers rented an empty property and then made a 255 ft tunnel to the bank.
     68 votes |
76863 |
23 |
8/23/2006 00:00 |
Articles |
15 Most Bizarre X-Rays.
     471 votes |
295543 |
79 |
8/16/2006 00:00 |
 Articles |
Bushisms: Stupidest George W. Bush Quotes.
"They misunderestimated me"
     328 votes |
16573 |
23 |
7/18/2006 06:00 |
Articles |
10 Craziest animal behavior.
How do porcupines do it?
     94 votes |
77350 |
18 |
6/5/2006 02:00 |
 Articles |
Top 10 Worst Movies ever.
From Manos to Anus Magillicutty.
     74 votes |
101811 |
20 |
5/17/2006 10:00 |
 Articles |
Early Names of Music Bands.
From Feedback (U2) to Polka Tulk (Black Sabbath).
     41 votes |
97741 |
40 |
4/26/2006 04:00 |
 Articles |
Top 10 Greatest Hoaxes of all time.
From the Loch Ness Monster photo to the Alien Autopsy footage.
     513 votes |
150750 |
28 |
4/25/2006 04:10 |