Hot Links |
Category | Title | Rating | Views | Comts. | Added |
Games |
Collect green olives, do not touch purple olives.
     4 votes |
3364 |
1 |
12/5/2005 05:01 |
Pictures |
Monkey business.
Nice pet
     7 votes |
3339 |
1 |
12/11/2005 09:31 |
 Articles |
You Know You're Getting Older When....
When the little old gray haired lady you help across the street... is your wife
     37 votes |
3327 |
4 |
9/12/2006 00:00 |
Games |
Bloody Rage.
Can you become the ultimate fighter?
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3299 |
4 |
12/14/2005 09:14 |
News |
Mayor wants to ban death.
The mayor of a Brazilian town is trying to bring in a law making it illegal for residents to die.
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3211 |
4 |
12/11/2005 09:15 |
News |
Britney urged to 'divorcekevin.com'.
Fans of Britney Spears have set up a website urging her to dump Kevin Federline. We would suggest: StopSinging.com
     3 votes |
3166 |
1 |
12/14/2005 09:19 |
Games |
Elf Zapper.
Kill bad elves with a huge gun.
     3 votes |
3154 |
0 |
12/9/2005 04:12 |
 Auctions |
Pay to wear this guy's balls around your neck.
Show the world you have balls.
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3150 |
0 |
12/7/2005 11:01 |
Games |
The Dark Complex.
Another point and click game you know you love to hate them!
     1 votes |
3091 |
4 |
12/5/2005 04:20 |
 Auctions |
The Worlds Biggest TAMPON.
Just in case yours wasn't big enough
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3027 |
0 |
12/6/2005 05:24 |
Games |
Like Frogger, but you need to get the stuff and come back with it.
     2 votes |
2456 |
2 |
12/5/2005 05:55 |
News |
Students Trade Bibles for Porn.
A group of atheists at the University of Texas at San Antonio is putting a novel twist on the toys-for-guns programs run by many urban police departments. But instead of toys, they are handing out porn in exchange for bibles.
     1 votes |
2397 |
2 |
12/5/2005 05:04 |
News |
Catholic Interest Group Protests 'South Park'.
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights is condemning an episode of "South Park" for 'defiling' the Virgin Mary.
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2375 |
12 |
12/12/2005 06:05 |
Games |
Penalty Shoot out.
Play street football and score some goals.
     2 votes |
2316 |
1 |
12/7/2005 11:09 |
Auctions |
"Bone Chair" for auction.
A fully functional chair complete made out of bones and welded steel I-beams. We can only ask: Who was that chair?
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2291 |
0 |
12/7/2005 11:02 |
 News |
Passenger killed after claiming to have bomb.
"Bomb!" is not a good thing to scream on an airport. It looks like the guy was bipolar (think Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde). So next time, federal air marshals should ask: "Stop! are you bipolar or can I shoot?"
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2168 |
0 |
12/7/2005 14:02 |
Auctions |
Buy a box of smell from this guy's house.
Just what you were looking for, ha!
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2139 |
0 |
12/12/2005 07:42 |
Auctions |
Quarter with a Bullet Hole.
I was really bored one day so I set a quarter against a tree stump and shot it from over 100 yards away with a 22 caliber rifle. It was mostly to see how accurate I could be but it was still fun. Amazingly, I hit it on my first shot! The quarter you see in the picture is not the actual quarter for sale, but it is a good representation of what it really looks like. The bullet hole in the quarter you are bidding on is more towards the edge of the coin and the quarter itself is an older one and not a state quarter.
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2091 |
0 |
12/5/2005 05:53 |
News |
Boy gets his nose back after attack dog swallows it.
A boy of 11 whose nose was bitten off by a dog has had it sewn back on after it was retrieved from the animal's stomach. Yummy.
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2009 |
1 |
12/13/2005 09:46 |
 News |
Authorities capture dog running loose with arrow in its torso.
And no, the owner was not indian.
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2006 |
4 |
12/8/2005 10:16 |
Auctions |
Have a boss that treats you bad? A friend who is not so friendly? The fine people at your work establishment? Your ex? A Super Fun way to get back at someone or play a great prank (legal and safe) anywhere in the USA!
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1996 |
0 |
12/5/2005 05:45 |
News |
Buddhist Monk Arrested For Growing Marijuana.
What? a monk in Japan can't be high?
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1974 |
1 |
12/8/2005 10:23 |
News |
'A vaccine helped cure my cancer'.
After taking part in a clinical trial for a vaccine, she is cancer-free.
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1936 |
0 |
12/13/2005 09:45 |
News |
Giant condom overlooks Buenos Aires on AIDS Day.
Sightseers in Buenos Aires got a shock Thursday when the city's most famous landmark, the obelisk, was covered with a giant pink condom on World AIDS Day.
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1896 |
0 |
12/5/2005 05:02 |
Auctions |
A prisoner is selling e-books on how to survive prison.
So Your going to Federal Prison??? This ebook will not only let you know what your looking at doing for the next few years. It will give you Piece of mind. I will answer all the questions you are worried about and if I dont cover something I will send you the email where I will answer all your questions for 30 days.
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1871 |
0 |
12/6/2005 05:21 |
News |
Christmas shoppers beat up Santa.
Police say the two shoppers lost their patience when asked to "tell Santa what they want for Christmas".
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1848 |
2 |
12/14/2005 09:18 |
Auctions |
Buy a Freakishly Large Animal Cracker Clump.
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1837 |
0 |
12/12/2005 07:35 |
Games |
30 crazy Martian mini-games.
Understand Earth better with Mars' favourite gameshow, 'Know Like an Earthling'.
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1772 |
0 |
12/5/2005 05:34 |
Auctions |
Buy this Shower Drain Hair Clog.
Just in case you needed some hair.
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1596 |
3 |
12/11/2005 09:23 |
News |
Student Admits Rigging Exploding Pens.
A student admitted rigging pens that exploded and injured three people at two high schools as revenge for being expelled, a detective said. Take note!
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1552 |
1 |
12/11/2005 09:27 |