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Category | Title | Rating | Views | Comts. | Added |
Games |
30 crazy Martian mini-games.
Understand Earth better with Mars' favourite gameshow, 'Know Like an Earthling'.
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1772 |
0 |
12/5/2005 05:34 |
 Auctions |
The Worlds Biggest TAMPON.
Just in case yours wasn't big enough
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3027 |
0 |
12/6/2005 05:24 |
Auctions |
A prisoner is selling e-books on how to survive prison.
So Your going to Federal Prison??? This ebook will not only let you know what your looking at doing for the next few years. It will give you Piece of mind. I will answer all the questions you are worried about and if I dont cover something I will send you the email where I will answer all your questions for 30 days.
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1871 |
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12/6/2005 05:21 |
News |
World's first musical sandwich.
The sandwich plays a medley of Christmas tunes when the packaging is opened.
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855 |
0 |
12/6/2005 05:31 |
Auctions |
"Bone Chair" for auction.
A fully functional chair complete made out of bones and welded steel I-beams. We can only ask: Who was that chair?
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2291 |
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12/7/2005 11:02 |
News |
Woman spent to male prison after being mistaken for a man.
And, when she was finally discovered and transferred to a women's jail, she asked to be transferred back. Looks like she was having too much fun!
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3464 |
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12/7/2005 10:49 |
 News |
33 year old man seeks puberty.
He's never had a spot. He's never had an erection. And he's trapped in the body of a 12-year-old boy. Just like that Tom Hanks movie.
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8430 |
0 |
12/7/2005 10:54 |
Articles |
The World's first banner ad.
Blame them.
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4291 |
0 |
12/7/2005 11:13 |
News |
A One Pixel Camera.
To capture individual colors... and really small people.
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4103 |
0 |
12/7/2005 11:06 |
 Auctions |
Pay to wear this guy's balls around your neck.
Show the world you have balls.
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3151 |
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12/7/2005 11:01 |
 News |
Passenger killed after claiming to have bomb.
"Bomb!" is not a good thing to scream on an airport. It looks like the guy was bipolar (think Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde). So next time, federal air marshals should ask: "Stop! are you bipolar or can I shoot?"
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2169 |
0 |
12/7/2005 14:02 |
Auctions |
Buy John Keryy's head.
Well, is the Head of John Kerry in some unknown plastic material.
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1088 |
0 |
12/8/2005 10:13 |
News |
Former inmate arrested hours after release.
He was released at seven o'clock yesterday morning, and stole a van three minutes later. Next time, he'll take a cab.
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1155 |
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12/8/2005 10:15 |
 Games |
D-Day in Normandy.
You are being landed on the beaches of Normandy and it's your job to protect your division. Don't let us down!
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6078 |
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12/8/2005 10:35 |
News |
Let's just call it even, okay?.
A Turkish villager who ran away with his friend's wife has offered his own wife in exchange, newspapers said on Thursday
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1407 |
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12/9/2005 04:19 |
Games |
Elf Zapper.
Kill bad elves with a huge gun.
     3 votes |
3154 |
0 |
12/9/2005 04:12 |
Auctions |
Buy a Freakishly Large Animal Cracker Clump.
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1837 |
0 |
12/12/2005 07:35 |
Auctions |
Buy a box of smell from this guy's house.
Just what you were looking for, ha!
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2139 |
0 |
12/12/2005 07:42 |
Auctions |
Buy this lady's boobs.
This is just sad.
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10571 |
0 |
12/13/2005 09:39 |
News |
'A vaccine helped cure my cancer'.
After taking part in a clinical trial for a vaccine, she is cancer-free.
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1937 |
0 |
12/13/2005 09:45 |
Auctions |
Buy this Nerd's pictures.
Damn! he's horrible.
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7518 |
0 |
12/14/2005 11:31 |
Auctions |
Buy a Cheezy DICKS Collection.
So useful.
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3655 |
0 |
12/15/2005 10:52 |
Auctions |
Buy a Mechanical Ass Chewer.
For your boss.. or not.
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6363 |
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12/15/2005 11:06 |
Auctions |
Buy a Mercedes-Benz onion ring.
An original piece
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9069 |
0 |
12/20/2005 10:48 |