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Who is a Pedophile and Who isn't?
Hi! Legally, any adult, mostly a man who has a yen for a child for sex. But many men accused of being a pedophile are only with boys. What about those men and women who have sex with their children, but they never abuse the kids? Abuse is in the eye of the beholder. Legally, if a man ate his lunch in a public park and was watching children play, he could be abusing them with his mind. By his thoughts. If a man or woman saw him watching them, and reports it to the police, they would come and more than likely arrest him. Because of someone's opinion, a man or woman's life could end. What is a Pedophile? The laws make me sick. If a man is accused of murder, he is offered bail. If a man or woman is accused of being a Pedophile, he locked up. My opinions are extreme, but only when a child is hurt or killed. But when a father or mother has a loving experience with their children, it is not any business of these fucking do-gooders! Anyone have any imput?
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