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Porno video of Britney Spears
A bizarre video of Britney Spears belching and ranting at her husband has shocked fans worldwide. The pop star - who appears confused as she speaks to the camera - moans about being ugly and whinges at husband Kevin Federline while eating what appears to be takeaway chicken and chips. She also moans that she has "missed out on life." Scroll down to the bottom of the page to watch the video clip of Britney When pushed further on the topic she says, quite irrationally: "Things! Y'know! Huh? Where've I been? Huh? "I wanna drink at home! Have you seen Back to the Future?" The dishevelled girl on camera is a far cry from the megastar fans once knew, when she had a string of chart hits and a glamorous lifestyle. The video, which has already been seen by two million people on the internet in the past few days, reveals Britney burping, scratching her legs incessantly and rambling about random thoughts such as time machines. The 24-year-old, who is seven months pregnant and mother to baby Sean Preston, says she believes travelling through time is a possibility. Referring to the film Back To The Future, she asks: "Is that possible? To time travel...? Yes it is Kevin. I think other people are ahead of us." Federline, who is not seen in the video, replies: "Maybe, but they wouldn't tell the world. Can you imagine how many people would go back and change s***?". The pop star, who is wearing a baseball cap and vest, also says: "I'm ugly. My jaw hurts." As she let out an enormous burp, her husband tells her: "Dude, we're going to do clips of you burping." Britney Spears
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