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Catholic Interest Group Protests 'South Park'.
The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights is condemning an episode of "South Park" for 'defiling' the Virgin Mary.
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12/12/2005 06:05 |
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Eminem Music Allegedly Used As U.S. Torture Device.
We'll have to agree on this.
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8871 |
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12/20/2005 11:43 |
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Mr and Mrs become Mrs and Mrs.
A husband and wife have 'remarried' as a gay couple - 14 years after the groom had a sex swap operation. Poor grandsons.
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12/8/2005 10:26 |
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Baby left in car while mom at strip club.
A mother who allegedly left her infant boy in an unheated car while she and a friend went into a local strip club was jailed early today on a preliminary charge of felony neglect, police said.
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12/15/2005 10:51 |
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'No Prostitutes Here' signs.
German towns may erect 'No Prostitutes Here' signs over fears an army of call girls are coming for the 2006 World Cup. A T-shirt of it would make a nice christmas gift, ha.
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12/20/2005 11:50 |
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Authorities capture dog running loose with arrow in its torso.
And no, the owner was not indian.
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12/8/2005 10:16 |
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Mayor wants to ban death.
The mayor of a Brazilian town is trying to bring in a law making it illegal for residents to die.
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12/11/2005 09:15 |
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Superman's bulge worries movie bosses.
Hollywood executives have ordered the makers of Superman Returns to cover it up with digital effects. Executives are just jealous.
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4683 |
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12/12/2005 04:27 |
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Church group launches nude calendar.
A German church group has caused controversy by releasing a calendar using nude models to portray bible scenes.That's one hot church.
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7377 |
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12/6/2005 05:31 |
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Erotic furniture fad.
Erotic furniture based on the female body with boobs for doors and bums for drawers is the latest fad in Holland. Breakfast is now fun.
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12/6/2005 05:36 |
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Marc Antony’s laptop being held for $1 million ransom.
Hey that's just mean.
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6189 |
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12/20/2005 11:41 |
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The self-healing elevators become a reality in Japan.
Because earthquakes suck.
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6622 |
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12/20/2005 10:41 |
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Doctors Find 3 Needles Embedded In Patient’s Brain.
The 67-year-old male patient complained of headaches. The doctors said they will not remove the needles because the patient has lived with them for some time.
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12/5/2005 04:57 |
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Students Trade Bibles for Porn.
A group of atheists at the University of Texas at San Antonio is putting a novel twist on the toys-for-guns programs run by many urban police departments. But instead of toys, they are handing out porn in exchange for bibles.
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12/5/2005 05:04 |
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Wheelchair Dog Works With Stroke Patients.
A little dog is overcoming his disability and becoming an inspiration to adults. Can he sing too?
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12/12/2005 07:30 |
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Christmas shoppers beat up Santa.
Police say the two shoppers lost their patience when asked to "tell Santa what they want for Christmas".
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12/14/2005 09:18 |
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75-year-old Amish lost $67,000 dollars in a sex scam.
That's just mean.
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8265 |
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12/15/2005 10:58 |
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Buddhist Monk Arrested For Growing Marijuana.
What? a monk in Japan can't be high?
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12/8/2005 10:23 |
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£50 litter fine over apple.
A schoolboy got a £50 litter fine after he accidently dropped an apple core as he ran home.
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12/9/2005 04:14 |
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Student Admits Rigging Exploding Pens.
A student admitted rigging pens that exploded and injured three people at two high schools as revenge for being expelled, a detective said. Take note!
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12/11/2005 09:27 |
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Boy gets his nose back after attack dog swallows it.
A boy of 11 whose nose was bitten off by a dog has had it sewn back on after it was retrieved from the animal's stomach. Yummy.
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12/13/2005 09:46 |
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Britney urged to 'divorcekevin.com'.
Fans of Britney Spears have set up a website urging her to dump Kevin Federline. We would suggest: StopSinging.com
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12/14/2005 09:19 |
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Giant condom overlooks Buenos Aires on AIDS Day.
Sightseers in Buenos Aires got a shock Thursday when the city's most famous landmark, the obelisk, was covered with a giant pink condom on World AIDS Day.
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12/5/2005 05:02 |
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Teens describe ways to kill teacher in journals.
In classroom journals, two star football players wrote in graphic detail about brutally killing their high school English teacher, covering her in gasoline and lighting her ablaze.
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12/5/2005 05:01 |
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World's first musical sandwich.
The sandwich plays a medley of Christmas tunes when the packaging is opened.
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12/6/2005 05:31 |
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Woman spent to male prison after being mistaken for a man.
And, when she was finally discovered and transferred to a women's jail, she asked to be transferred back. Looks like she was having too much fun!
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12/7/2005 10:49 |
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33 year old man seeks puberty.
He's never had a spot. He's never had an erection. And he's trapped in the body of a 12-year-old boy. Just like that Tom Hanks movie.
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12/7/2005 10:54 |
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A One Pixel Camera.
To capture individual colors... and really small people.
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12/7/2005 11:06 |
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Passenger killed after claiming to have bomb.
"Bomb!" is not a good thing to scream on an airport. It looks like the guy was bipolar (think Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde). So next time, federal air marshals should ask: "Stop! are you bipolar or can I shoot?"
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12/7/2005 14:02 |
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Former inmate arrested hours after release.
He was released at seven o'clock yesterday morning, and stole a van three minutes later. Next time, he'll take a cab.
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12/8/2005 10:15 |