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How to Insult Foreign People
Published on 4/10/2006
Marica, maricón, mariconazo - Gay, big gay, faggot
mariquita - Little gay
chapero - gay bitch
Bastardo - Bastard
Cabron - Fucking Bastard
Polla, nabo, rabo, verga, cipote - Dick
Gilipollas, tontopollas - dickhead, asshole
Pichacorta - little dick
cojones, pelotas, huevos - balls, eggs
Cojonazos - Bigballs
Coño, chocho, raja - cunt
Chichi - Pussy
pelos de los huevos/coño - Pubic hair
Mierda - Shit
cagar, jiñar - to shit
Chupame la polla - Suck my dick
Chupamela - Suck it
chupar - tu suck
puta - whore, bitch
zorra, guarra - fox, dirty girl
hijo de puta - son of a bitch, motherfucker
follar, joder, chingar - to fuck
Me cago en ti - I shit over you
Chorra, Pinnus - Stupid
que te jodan - fuck you
que te den por culo - fuck off you
Cabron - fucking bastard
Payaso - Clown
Desgraciado - Unlucky (means "son of a bitch")
calientapollas - cockteaser
me cago en la hostia - Fucking Damn it! (literaly: I shit in the communion wafers)
me cago en la leche! - I shit in the milk! (means something like "shit, i've have bad luck")
besame el culo - kiss my ass
hijo de mil putas - son of thousand bitches
metete un palo por el culo - shove a stick up your ass
hueles a mierda - you smell like shit
Jode a tu madre - Fuck your mom
Mariposa - Gay (mex.)
joto - faggot (mex.)
Pinga - Dick
Chilito - little dick
panocha - pussy
chimba - pussy (Colombian)
chichis - breasts
Chinga tu madre - Fuck your mom
pendejo/pendeja - (m/f) asshole, dickhead, etc.
chingar - to fuck
pinche - kitchboy
Cago en tu leche - I shit in your milk.
hazte cojer - go and get fucked
Pinche Cabron - fucking son of a bitch (not literal)
concha - bitch (Argentina)
coger - to fuck (Argentina)
La chichi - the girl (Argentina)
La pija/verga - the dick (Argentina)
El orto/ojete - the ass (Argentina)
chupame la pija - suck my dick (Lit: Suck me the dick) (Argentina)
Las tetas - the boobs (Argentina)
El/La Pendejo/a - To call a teenager in a bad way. (Argentina)
La reputisima madre que te remil pario - The more bitch (superlativ) that had you born a thousend times. (Argentina)
Puto/a del orto - That you are a gay/bitch that fuck through your ass. (Argentina)
Blödes Arschloch - stupid asshole
Dummes Huhn - stupid chicken
Scheisse - shit
Fotze - cunt
Blöde Fotze - Stupid cunt
Schwuchtl - faggot (noun)
Lesbe - Lesbian (noun)
Mutterficker - motherfucker (literal)
Hurensohn - sonuvabitch
Hure - whore
Depp - idiot
Drecksau - dirty pig
Arschgesicht - "Assface" (Butthead)
Fick dich - fuck you
Fick mich - fuck me
(dummer) Schweinhund - (dumb) pigdog (archaic)
Schlampe - tramp or slut
das geht dich einen feuchten Scheissdreck an - none of your fucking business
du verdammter Arschficker - you damn assfucker
himmeldonnerwetter - no translation (Lit. heaven thunder weather)
Leck mich am Arsch - lick my ass
mach es dir selber - go fuck yourself
scheisskopf - shithead (literal)
schnoodle noodle - dick snot
Dummkopf - (lit. stupid head)
Verpiss Dich - Piss off
Wichser - wanker
Arschgeige - (lit.) arse violin, arse fiddle
Hosenscheisser - coward ((small)trouser shitter)
Schweinebacke - double crossing so and so
Dumpfbacke - idiot (mainly for female)
Arschkriecher - person who kisses bosses arse
Schwanz - dick
Affenschwanz - ape-dick
merde - shit
va bouffer ta merde - eat shit
tu m'emmerdes - you're pissing me off
tu me fais chier - you are pissing me off
retourne enculer les mouches - go fuck a cow.
enculé - fuck you
salope/conasse/poufiasse - bitch
ordure - bastard
va te faire voir, (common), va au diable, fous le camp, va te faire cuire un oeuf, va chier (common, stronger), te faire voir chez lez Grecs! (old) - go to hell!, Fuck off!
vas te faire foutre - go get fucked
vas te faire enculé - fuck you
fils de pute - son of a bitch
vas te branler - Fuck yourself!
une vieille bique, - an old bitch
un con, une conasse - a moron, an asshole
un trou du cul - an asshole (lit.)
le con, la chatte - cunt, pussy
baiser - to fuck
con comme une bite - (really stupid)
ce sont des conneries - that's a load of shit
léche moi et fait moi jouir - lick me and make me cum
tête moi le dard, enculé! tête moi le noeud, pédé! - suck my dick, you fucked faggot!
un pédé, une tantouze - a faggot
mes couilles sur ton nez - my balls on your nose
putain, pute - whore
cul - ass
bite - cock
pauvre con - asshole (lit. poor cunt)
vas pisser dans les fleurs - fuck off
c'est rien que de la merde - its just a bunch of shit(lit), it's a load of rubbish / it's real trash
va chier - go shit
Chienne, salope, putain - bitch
fils de pute - son of a bitch
ta mère est une salope - your mother is a bitch
allez a enfer/va a enfer - go to hell (old)
lèche mon cul - kiss (lit. lick) my ass
Va te branler - go play with yourself
Va te tripoter - go tinker with yourself
Ta gueule, toi!, Ferme ta gueule!, Tu te ferme la gueule, oui ou non?, Tu vas la fermer, oui? (more common) - Shut your maw (mouth)
Va te faire enculer - Go fuck yourself in the ass (lit: go get fucked in the ass)
Tabernac!, Choleque de merde! - Thanks, ya shitstained cumbuckets
bouffon - asshole, (lit.) buffoon, jester
nique ta mère - fuck your mom
Tête de noeud - dickhead
Pauv' conne - stupid bitch
Tapette, Pedale - You Faggot fuck
va t'faire mètt, connard - fuck you, asshole
va t'faire mètt, salope - fuck you, bitch
foder - to fuck; Present Indicative: eu
mamada, broche - cock sucking
chupa-me a - suck my cock
foda-se - fuck (figurative)
picha,sarda - cock
puta, cabra - bitch
foder a mona - piss off
paneleiro,rabeta - faggot
vai-te foder - Fuck you
otario - Asshole, bitch
puttana - whore
fungula / scopa - fuck
merda - shit
Vaffanculo - go fuck yourself
No Skuche ala Gats! - what the fuck do you want from my balls?
pezzo di merda - piece of shit
figlio di puttana - son of a whore
Cazzo vai via stronzo - Shit, get out of here jerk
bocchino - blow job
che cazzo - you dick
scopa tua mamma - fuck your mother
fotti tua madre - fuck your mother
li mortacci tua - to your dead relative
vai a morire ammazzato - go and die murdered
no me interesso un cazzo - i don't give a damn
lul - dick
kut - cunt
kak, stront, schijt - shit
flikker; nicht bruinweker - faggot
reetneuker - ass-fucker
pot - lesbian
eikel - dickhead
hoer - hooker
klootzak - lit. testicle sack (mean fucker or motherfucker)
eikel - dickhead (mild)
Vuile kankerlijer - dirty cancer-patient (strong)
Smerige kankerhoer - dirty cancer-suffering ho
moederneuker - motherfucker
Rukker - wanker
Spast - spaz
mongool - retard
pooier - pimp
sukkel - dumbfuck
pik omhoog - stiff prick
houd je rotsmoel - shut the hell up
apenaaier - monkey-fucker
droogkloot - boring fuck
sufkut - boring bitch
hoerenjong - son of a bitch/hooker
je moeder - (a response) your momma
Stop het in je nauwe gaatje - Stick it up into your anus
kutwijf - literaly cuntbitch
zakkewasser - testical washer
paardenlul - horsedick
schijtlul - shitdick
engerd - creep
flikker - homosexual
slet - slut
hoerejong - son of a whore
hondelul - dog dick
leeghoofd - airhead
Val dood vuile kankerhoer - Drop dead stupid cancer hooker
pikhoofd - cockface
Trut - Bitch
godverdomme - goddamnit
kus mijn kont - kiss my ass
Je is moeder is een hoer - Your mother is a hooker
stomme lul - stupid dick
Ik laat een scheet in jouw richting - I fart in your direction
Sooka - Bitch/traitor/whore
Yob - Fuck
Yob tvoiu mat' - Fuck your mother
poshol na khui - Fuck off
poshol v zhopu - Fuck off
tebya ne ebut,
ti ne podmakhivai - mind your own fucking business
K Chortoo - go to hell
kooshite govno ee oomeeite
- eat shit and die
ya eemay-you o-chen /
balshoy jol-ty hoy - I have a big yellow dick
tva-ya mama sa-syot /
kor-rovie khuy-ee - You mother sucks cow dicks.
za-ebees - stop bitching
yob tvoyu mat - fuck your mother
govno - shit
bliad - Oh shit or whore
Khui - cock
pizda - cunt
manda - cunt
zhopa - an asshole or an ass
sraka - an ass
mudak - an asshole
govniuk - shithead
Khuyesos' - cocksucker
baka yaro - stupid bastard
oh Baka - biggest idiot
baka - idiot
busu - extremelly ugly girl
buotoko - likewise but for a guy
minikui - ugly
rippogakusha - rabies
kusatta - rotten
roba - donkey
oni - demon
inoshishi - wildpig
ookiosewada - up yours
okama - faggot
barazoku - faggot
yurizoku or onabe - lesbian
achike - fuck off
Chikushoo - oh Fuck!
Kuso - shit
Kusu o taberu na! - Eat Fucking Shit
Urusai, Kono Bakayaro - Shut up you noisy idiot!
ChinChin - penis ("thingie")
ketsunoana - Asshole
Pai Pai - Breasts, nipples
onara - fart
onara atama - fart head
onani - masturbate
anata wa onani o shimasuka is
- Do you masturbate
kin tama - golden balls
kisama - lord of the donkeys
manko - pussy
baka kuso atama - stupid shit head
ahraywah ohmankogah skeeda
- I enjoy pussy very much
Ama - bitch
Ssibal-seki /
Samanes-seki - Son of shit
eemee sheemee pek
poejee dah - your mother has a bald pussy
Geseki - Son of a bitch
Yumago - fuck you
shibseki - bitch, whore etc.
Ko-chu-pado - suck my dick
Kochu - dick
Dong-mogo - eat shit
K-sa-key - bitch
She-pa-nom - No exact translation but bad
Ja - shick - You are a bastard
Cantonese (phonetic)
Poq Gai - "Go Die in the street",
general purpose swearword
D'iu ne lo mo - Fuck your mom
sAY Baht Poh - bitch
tiu nia ma chow hai - fuck your mom's smelly cunt
sek si - eat shit
hum kah chan - death to your family!
lok chat - dick
hamsap - horny person
chow fah hai - smelly cheap cunt
gai - whore
lun-yeung, lun tao - dick face and dick head
hai-paw - Cunty woman
jhew lun dou - Pig cock scrotum
ow lun dun jhew hai - ox cock boiled in a pig's cunt
lay da yuen fay gay mm sai sou
- You jack off and never wash
Fei hai - Fat cunt
Mandarin (phonetic)
gun ni ma /
chao ni niang - fuck your mom
chao ni niang de zhu
zong shi ba dai - fuck your mom's ancestors
grandmas great grandmas
daH bien - shit
Liu mang - standard swear for bastard
Ni ma la bi - Your mother contracts turtles.
Cheeby - Pussy
Lan Jiao - Dick
Kiu Mo - Pubic Hair
Ni Na Bu - Your Fucking Mother
Chao - Cheeby Smelly Pussy
Lan Hoot - Balls
Neh - Breast
Ka Ni Na Beh Chao Cheeby
- Fuck Your Bloody Mother's pussy
Ka Ni Na - Fuck Your mother
Ka Ni Lao Beh - Fuck Your Father
peh bu ki ho lang kan - parents go fuck by someone
peh bu ki ho gao kan - parents go fuck by dogs
and the chao cheebye - smelly cunt
keh - whore
Sai ne niang - Shit on your mother
Gan ni zhu gong di yi meah
- Fuck your fore-father number one
baw lan jiao - no cock
diao nia meh - fuck your mom
chew hai - smelly cunt
bot nia meh see
tai lang - fuck your mom's smelly cunt
chap jong - bastard
guy - whore
nia meh boon kiu diao - let the dog fuck your mom
SA Nù NE - Fuck your mother.
kho Sih SÀI! - Eat shit.
kho SEE! - Go to hell.
SA Nù NE, Nù NE wòi SA - Fuck your mother,
Your mother I will fuck.
Yu WA KÀM - Let's fuck
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