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'No Prostitutes Here' signs

German towns may erect 'No Prostitutes Here' signs over fears an army of call girls are coming for the 2006 World Cup.

Parts of Germany are considering erecting anti-prostitution signs ahead of the 2006 World Cup /Europics

Prostitution is legal in Germany but only in certain areas, and the street signs are planned to stop football fans pestering women in other areas.

They also want to stop the thousands of call girls heading to the country from moving out of the legal areas.

The idea for the signs came after a German man, named only as Michael G, was arrested for soliciting a prostitute in a restricted area in Dusseldorf.

In court he claimed he had no idea picking up a prostitute in that area was illegal.

Judge Dirk Kruse admitted that he also didn't know which areas were legal and which were not and said: "We need some kind of sign to make it clear."

Similar signs have already proven a success in the Italian town of Aulla.

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